For career development professionals in any setting, having some familiarity with disability law; what is a disability, guidelines on disability etiquette and categories of disabilities should prove helpful.
Your Instructor: Malka Edelman
Malka Edelman, NCC, MCC, CRC, LMHC, CCSP has worked in higher education for over 27 years in both the fields of career development and disability services at the State University of New York at Farmingdale. She has been a frequent guest speaker to educators and parent groups on Long Island and NYC. She teaches Career Counseling in the Graduate Program at New York Institute of Technology and taught for 10 years at Hofstra University. She has served on the Advisory Council for the CDF curriculum for NCDA as member, chairperson and co-chair. Malka is president of Comprehensive Career Planning, Inc, an organization that provides a full range of career services to individuals as well as organizations. Contact her at
At the conclusion of this course you will be able to:
Identify categories of disabilities.
Become familiar with famous people, worldwide, who are challenged because of a disability.
Use disability etiquette [eg. Mary is not learning disabled; rather, Mary is a student with a learning disability.]
Understand the history of the disability law and elements thereof.
Identify the difference between disability and handicap.
Identify and use resources available to career practitioners when working with individuals with disabilities.