Overcoming Il(Legal) Barriers to Career Well-Being

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Juliet Jones, GCDF, J.D. is President and CEO of Career Key (www.careerkey.org), which offers self-service career counseling and academic advising solutions that empower youth and adults to clarify career and education direction. After 10 years representing employees, unions, and employers as a labor and employment lawyer in both the public and private sectors, Juliet shifted careers in 2006 to work with her father, a counseling psychologist and Career Key’s founder, Dr. Lawrence K. Jones, NCC. They now both enjoy a lot more career well-being! She also regularly volunteers as an attorney with her local neighborhood legal clinic. Juliet graduated from Princeton University, the Seattle University School of Law, and is a certified Global Career Development Facilitator.

WEBINAR DESCRIPTION: Do you have clients who believe they have been, or will be discriminated against in the workplace? Are legal concerns preventing them from achieving career well-being? Are the issues affecting career development opportunities? Have you ever struggled over what to advise in those situations?

This webinar, presented by an employment lawyer and career development facilitator, will help you understand basic legal employment concerns and nonlegal ways to respond. A client’s lack of information or mistaken beliefs about how the legal system works or one’s legal rights often create unnecessary fear, stress, and anger that can have a big impact on work and well-being. We will discuss legal concerns related to layoffs, discrimination, harassment, non-compete clauses and free speech (politics!). While you cannot provide legal advice, there are a lot of things you can do as workplace experts. After this webinar, you will be more informed and effective when a client’s legal concerns are interfering with their career well-being. You will end up with several resources which will help you assist your clients.


  • Overview the basics of employment law.
  • State common myths about employment laws.
  • Identify when a client should get legal advice.
  • Determine what the client should expect from a lawyer consultation.
  • Learn things some lawyers don’t tell you but should.
  • Receive tips for nonlegal ways to respond to legal concerns.