Karen James Chopra, LPC, MCC, NCC, CCC is the founder of Chopra Consulting for Consultants (www.KarenChopraConsulting.com), which helps therapists, counselors, coaches and other consultants create thriving businesses. She also has a well-established career counseling private practice in Washington, D.C. (www.ChopraCareers.com), and has helped hundreds of clients with career exploration, job search and career management. A former U.S. Government trade negotiator, she is the author of Coaching Career Clients on Salary and Other Workplace Negotiations and numerous other articles on the business and practice of career counseling. MCDA has honored her with both their Outstanding Career Practitioner and Lifetime Achievement awards. She received her M.A. in Community Counseling from the George Washington University, and her B.A. from the University of Virginia. She also has a master’s degree from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service.
WEBINAR DESCRIPTION: In this two-part webinar, Karen Chopra will teach you how to become a salary negotiations counselor for your clients. Learn how your clients can handle all those pesky demands for salary information without giving away crucial (and private) salary information. Feel confident handling salary negotiations at all levels of compensation. This webinar is for career professionals of all types and at all levels.
Part 1.
Understanding Leverage
Leverage is the key to negotiating success. When our clients understand leverage, they are more likely take on the challenge of protecting their salary data.
Preparing for Salary Negotiations
We will cover where to find salary data, how to ask contacts and colleagues about salary information in a non-intrusive manner and explore the secrets of the 990.
Working with Recruiters
Recruiters are a special case, with special rules. We will discuss how to determine what type of recruiter the client is dealing with and what type of information to share.
Getting Through the Interview
Everyone knows that you shouldn’t give out your salary history or requirements in the interview, but what is a client supposed to say when asked? Learn the “Salary Dodge Three-Step” and your clients will know exactly how to handle those tricky questions.
Part 2.
Handling Salary Data Requests
Clients are constantly being asked to disclose salary history and salary requirements in cover letters and online applications. We will explore strategies to handle these inquiries.
What to Do When an Offer Comes In
Don’t say “yes”! At least, not right away. We will cover what to do when the client gets an offer, and how to set up the salary negotiation.
Negotiating the Offer
We will talk about how to push for more without pushing the employer away, and the final step that makes sure your client’s hard work has not been in vain: getting the final offer in writing.
- The concept of leverage and how to protect and use negotiating leverage to improve salary offers.
- How to dodge questions about salary requirements and history in job interviews.
- How to push hard for a better offer while still holding onto the job offer.