Introduction and Overview

Why are you working?

Now, think about the last three clients that you saw and imagine how they would answer the same question.  Are you able to imagine their responses? How accurate do you think your guess would be? Is there a group of most typical responses we might expect across groups of people?

Thank you for choosing to take this course, Uncenter Work to Recenter Life, which is part of the Reframe Your Career Game Curriculum. Encouraging career services professionals to diminish work and enhance the focus on life within their practice at first seems counterintuitive for many. 

If you dig a little deeper in your mind, I think you will quickly realize that this shift of focus is the only thing that can make sense in the 21st Century world-of-work.

Read the following article. 

Dr. Carstensen, the author, ends the article with,

“Longer lives present us with an opportunity to redesign the way we live. The greatest risk of failure is setting the bar too low.”

This is a BIG idea. When I look around the career services professions, I fear that we are calling new things big ideas that are in fact small ideas set within the same framework that we have operated for the past 110+ years. How can we as career services professionals understand the current challenges of life and work and then adapt our practice to this new understanding?

Beginning to ask this question is the purpose of this course.

My goal for this class is to give you a different on-line course experience. One that encourages you to ask questions that have remained unasked, to think deeply about your own experiences of work, and to shift your career services practice to better incorporate ideas that are foundational to human flourishing and happiness as they relate using the fact of work to build a better life.

At the conclusion of the course, you will be able to:

Consider the role that living life plays in career development and vice versa.

Incorporate client-centered versus employer centered conversations into your practice.

Move from high tech to high (human) touch practices.

This course has three lessons. In each you may be asked to read text or documents, view web links videos, internalize what you are learning when you write in your course journal, and answer questions about the course content on a worksheet. When you are asked to perform any of these activities, this will be listed in red. As you move through the course, you will track your progress by answering questions on a worksheet. This worksheet will be uploaded and reviewed by the instructor at the end of the course to verify your earned continuing education units.

Download the worksheet and save it to your computer.