Wendy LaBenne, NCC, MCC has worked in the career development field over 10 years and currently serves as a Workforce Development Coordinator in the College for Public Health and Social Justice at Saint Louis University (SLU). Wendy is an active member of the National Career Development Association (NCDA). She was selected participate in the association’s Leadership Academy which recognizes individuals with leadership potential for the association. Recently, she was elected to the NCDA Executive Board as State Trustee. Additionally, she has written several articles for the association’s newsletter and has presented at the national conference multiple times. Wendy served as President of the Missouri Career Development Association in its second year and her team was recognized with the outstanding State Career Development Association award by NCDA.
Wendy received her Master of Science in Education in Counselor Education from Southern Illinois University Carbondale. She also holds a Master of Arts in Human Resource Development and Management from Webster University. She is a National Certified Counselor (NCC) and a Master Career Counselor (MCC).
WEBINAR DESCRIPTION: As career development professionals, we can inform our clients about the virtues of networking to find the best opportunities; however, some clients with whom we work find this task daunting at best and petrifying at worst.
This webinar will focus on what career development professionals can do to help clients who are not networking naturals develop this skill and become experts. During the webinar, participants will learn the unique strengths and challenges of introverts and how to integrate those into an effective networking strategy for the client. The webinar will look at common thoughts hindering clients from initiating networking skills. Additionally, participants will learn networking techniques and tools that will appeal to their more introverted clients. Our time together will provide a venue for career development professionals to discuss our best practices with this population and obtain additional resources to inform further on the topic.
- Identify the unique strengths and challenges facing introverts.
- Receive networking techniques that introverts may find appealing.
- Obtain further resources on this topic.